Schneiderman & Sherman Selected as Newest Member to USFN

FARMINGTON HILLS (August 5, 2021) — Schneiderman & Sherman, P.C. (SSPC), a leading law firm in mortgage lending, announce that they have been selected as the newest member of USFN. USFN is a trade organization representing America’s mortgage banking attorneys. USFN Member Firms meet the highest industry standards in their practice, actively participate in their state and local bar associations and mortgage finance industry organizations, as well as fully participate in USFN seminars, publications, and other activities.

“Applying for USFN membership is an extensive application and vetting process for applicants. It is experienced, reputable firms like Schneiderman & Sherman who have demonstrated success that ultimately become America’s Mortgage Banking Attorneys. We are delighted to welcome Schneiderman & Sherman as a new USFN member,” said Pamela L. Donahoo, CAE, USFN CEO.

"We are thrilled to have been accepted to USFN, and look forward to working with the organization and its members to lead the mortgage lending industry" said Neil Sherman, Esq., President and Managing Partner of SSPC. "We know the importance of being active in our industry, and know that USFN will give us the opportunity to help shape the present and future with the other leaders in the group."


SSPC President, Neil Sherman, Moderates Panel at Five Star Conference in Dallas


Neil Sherman, Esq. feat. in Counsel’s Corner - Learning Lessions From Diverse Court Cases